Encouragement and Sun Flare

IMG_3212On Friday I had the incredible opportunity to meet with three other local photographers for a mentoring and Q&A session. One word can embody the two hours we spent together: passion. Elizabeth of Elizabeth Henson Photos organized the session, and she and Heather of Heather Papineau Photography shared so much information on everything from the creative side to the business side to gear. I left with a few incredible headshots and my brain overflowing with information, inspiration, and gratitude.

With my mind brimming with excitement and the opportunity to borrow my brother-in-law’s Canon 6D and lenses, I’ve been shooting nonstop. I used the 135mm lens to capture images of Pacey’s soccer game and shared with the other parents. It made me so happy to know that the parents would be getting some really fun actions shots of their kids. And I was shooting on manual and moved to using manual focal points. Big changes!

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Then on Sunday, Rowan woke up from her nap very cranky. After two hours worth of whining and fussing and generally not being happy, we decided we all needed ice cream, dinner at our favorite restaurant, and a little sand. It seemed to do the trick for her, and I was able to practice capturing sun flare. I adore so many of these pictures, and Jon was kind enough to model for me, too.IMG_3175IMG_3161A little low light practice in the restaurant. I love how warm this one looks. And I’m not sure if you can tell, but she was licking his face. A kiss would have been too sweet for her mood that day!IMG_3181IMG_3237IMG_3247IMG_3248IMG_3250And this is my absolute favorite from the entire weekend:IMG_3211-2I’m ready to dream big and make this quiet little photography dream real and loud and defined, so this weekend I am taking engagement pictures for one of my closest friends. It’s scary and exciting, and I can’t wait.