Tag Archive: perfectionism

It’s okay. It’s time.

It’s okay to be unsure. To mistrust your own decision-making and your beliefs and wonder if you’ve made a mockery of this life you’ve cobbled together. To trip over the messes you’ve made… Continue reading


I looked up. The symmetrical tops of the corn stalks swayed gently. The breeze carried them left and right in a comforting, consistent rhythm. They stretched several feet above my head, arched towards… Continue reading

Tiny Offerings

She brought me wild berries. A scattering of green and purple dots in the bottom of a brown clay pot. Her face smudged with dirt and shimmering with sweat from the first day… Continue reading

On railroad tracks and hope

Track piece by track piece, she built a meandering road. Its vague beginning and hazy end either stops abruptly or fades quietly into the distance. And with her still dimpled fingers, she delicately… Continue reading